Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Developments

I am on day 15 of my cycle with no sign of impending ovulation. I am however having a lot of pain in my left ovary and a feeling of fullness. My monitor has not even gotten a high yet. Which is not good. Especially since for 5 months I ovulated on days 11-13 like clockwork. So I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday for a full exam and ultrasound. The nurse thinks I possibly could be hyperstimulated by the medication, even though that is rare with the medication I am on it can happen. Meaning I could have a few large cysts, considering my left ovary pain. So I will have my progesterone tested then and we will discuss what is going on. I am also going to discuss with her my next step or moving on to an RE. It will still be awhile before I move on to an RE, just because I need to research the ones that my insurance covers some of. Meaning my insurance doesnt really cover them that much. They will cover my blood work and maybe my ultrasounds. That's about it.

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