Tuesday, December 16, 2008


2ww Pictures, Images and Photos

You can never be completely prepared to what your 2 week wait (2ww) will be like. Will it be filled with hope?? Or will you spend the whole time analyzing every symptom?? Usually about a week into the 2ww I start to try to psych myself out. Preparing myself for the inevitable negative test. Still in the back of your mind there is that little glimmer of hope that it's possible, that pregnancy is POSSIBLE. Then your AF shows up and that hope is gone. The first time I was on Clomid it was this time of year and my 3rd month on clomid. I was very hopeful, and analyzed every symptom. Then on Christmas Day during Christmas dinner AF showed up. It was one of the most horrible experiences, being there surrounded by all your family and feeling yourself coming unglued inside. Opening presents and trying to smile and be happy and just wanting to die on the inside, then having to keep it together on the ride home because you dont want to ruin your kids' Christmas. This year I'm experiencing flashbacks from that year just because I am on Clomid yet again, and my AF is due on the 22nd. Right now I know nothing but I am preparing myself for the worst. I'll let you know what happens on the 22nd. Whether I test or AF shows her ugly face.

See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little. ~Pope John XXIII


Valerie said...

Praying for you!!! Think positive girlie!!!! Everything happens for a reason!

Meredith said...

I'm praying for you!! I'm a week behind you (I think). I'm trying to be optimistic that this is it for both of us. My first round of clomid was this time of year too. Dec 2006. I can't believe how far away that seems now, but I can remember it like it was yesterday...

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I am praying for a + on the 22nd!