Sunday, January 4, 2009

IUI #1 in 2009

We got to the doctor's office a little bit before 9:30 a.m. for our insemination. The nurse wasnt there yet so I had a chance to use the restroom and collect my thoughts. When we got into the office we were able to watch tv and read for 30 minutes. When the sample was ready, we went back to the room and got ready to have our insemination. I meditated for awhile and thought good thoughts and tried to calm myself. The proceduce took about 5 mins, and was very easy this time. I had some cramping from the sperm entering my uterus without the cervical fluid. I continued to cramp most of the day and layed down for most of it. Today I have spent laying down mostly too. :) I am very happy to be in the 2ww now. I should know something by the Jan. 17th.


Valerie said...

How exciting!! I'm sending so many prayers yalls way! Ü wheeeeee!!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Oh Courtney, I am praying so hard that is works this time! I hope the waiting isn't too difficult!