I started Clomid again today. Yay! I guess. We have an ultrasound on January 2nd and then if everything looks good I will trigger (hcg injection) that day and then have an IUI(Interuterine Insemination) on January 3rd. I am very hopeful that this will work. I have however talked to my family and we will be trying once more after this and if pregnancy doesnt occur we are going to take a break until our kids are out of school. Which is 2 more years. I just can no longer justify putting my kids through what they are going through and putting myself through this too. It is hurting all of us more and more. So send me baby dust that this month is our month!!!
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ~Albert Einstein
~*~Baby Dust~*~Baby Dust~*~
I hope and pray this is your month!!
sending all my babydust your way! keeping you in my prayers!!! **hugs**
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