So today was the day, my appointment with a fertility expert. I was very impressed by her to say the least, she was personable, nice, funny and named one of Texas's Super Doctors, by Texas Monthly Magazine. I liked her instantly. She also was really surprised at the fact that my doctor's before had given me such inadequate and just plain lousy care, dating back to even when I was a teenager. So we laid all of our options out there on the table. Because I achieved pregnancy before using a combination of repronex and clomid, it is highly likely that I could achieve pregnancy again, my odds are better using that combo. The reason I miscarried before had to do with my PCOS being left untreated. She said now with it under control I could very well have a healthy pregnancy. So I have to do a list of things before my next cycle, which she says should happen in 2 to 3 weeks judging from my ultrasound today.
* I have to get a fasting blood glucose test.
* I have to get a cystic fibrosis test.
* James has to do a semen analysis and a thyroid test.
* I have to fill my prescription for clomid.
So my next cycle is going to be a hybrid cycle with a trigger shot and regular intercourse instead of IUI. She thinks that I really don't need the IUI. So my only concern now is coming up with the $$ to pay for the treatments and drugs. It costs roughly $3000/per cycle. It will be a lot easier for me if I can do my blood work and ultrasounds here and it is looking like it will work out that way for me.
On my ultrasound I had 4 good follicles, they were very small, she said I looked like a patient who had just had their period. The cyst was gone. I had some bleeding on Sunday, which was probably from the cyst rupture. I also have a very large cyst on my right Fallopian tube that she is going to look into. It should not hinder me from getting pregnant, but it does put out a little bit of concern. All in All it was very productive. She didn't push me into anything I didn't want to do and I really felt like I should do the injectables instead of just the Clomid only because my odds were better.
Optimism is the foundation of courage. ~Nicholas Murray Butler
I am so glad that you are getting answers and that things are looking up. I will continue to pray for you and James!
I'm happy your appointment went so well and that now you know what you can do to get pregnant! I'll continuing praying for you and your hubby... keep us updated on all of your tests and exams!
I am glad that you got some answers and liked the doctor, that always helps. I hope that things keep looking up for you guys from this visit on. Sorry I posted under Scott's name so I deleted it and started over.
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