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So I have started taking the Meformin, but I have had a horrible two weeks. After getting over bronchitis I started passing a kidney stone. I was hurting for awhile before I decided to go to Urgent care. I was there a little while when they decided to send me to the ER so that they could do a CT Scan. They found out I had a stone that was too big to pass on its own. So i was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday, 05/21/08. Surgery went well and I am recovering nicely. I feel much better, just very sore.
So with all that is going on I have barely noticed the side effects of the Metformin. I am hoping to start trying soon. I am on day 17 of my cycle so I pretty much think that my window for ovulation has passed. I guess we will just hope for a better cycle next cycle.
I have been thinking about all my missed babies a lot lately. I can't wait to have my angel to hold in my arms. I miss them dealy even though I never really knew them. 5 years and there might be an end in sight. A light at the end of the tunnel.
As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. Emmanuel Teney
So after years of irregular AF. I have only started AF once on my own three times, every other time I have had to take Provera. I started on my own yesterday!! I have not started taking the Metformin yet, because I am taking steroids and antibiotics for my bronchitis. I am so very very happy. I guess we are back to TTC again. Feels good to be back.
I went to the doctor today to get a breathing treatment for my asthma. In the past two weeks I have lost 21 pounds!!! Yay me! I'm so happy. I have been doing weight watchers and slim fast. When I dont have time to count points I just drink a shake and that is 4 points. I've also been walking and doing a workout dvd. I am so very very happy. When I start Metformin hopefully that will help me lose a whole lot more. Tomorrow I'm going to the Dietitian at the BVW Clinic, & I will start the special diet for PCOS. I am thinking it will be kind of like the Diabetic Diet. Wish me luck!!!
If you want to see the rainbow, you have to endure the rain.
Well my new doctor's office just called and guess what!!! I have PCOS!!! OMG!! Years of being told I dont have it and yep I do. They got the results of my blood test and my blood sugar and cholesterol are good, but my insulin was really high. So they are putting me on Glucophage for a month then if I tolerate that pretty well I will start the Femara in a month. This is the biggest freaking relief of my entire life. My other doctor was treating me for the wrong stuff. I should have never ever been given clomid. now I get a chance to set it right!!! I am so so happy. like crying happy. I may actually get my baby!!! I had given up hope completely! Thank you Misty for not letting me give up!
I am completely reeling from this. I have been overweight my entire life and always had trouble with my periods no matter what weight I was. I always thought it was something that was my fault and now I find out it's not all my fault! I have something that causes it. The fact that my previous doctor didnt even try to diagnose it or give me medicene for it is just disgusting to me. I can not believe that someone could be that hateful to another person that they would think that not telling them they have PCOS would make them do what they want. Plus the thousands we wasted on fertility treatments. omg My baby could be a reality. wow
Faith is a passionate intuition. William Wordsworth