Well I thought I would start this blog to remember all my fertility treatments. My dh and I have been trying to concieve for 3 years. In October of 2006 I started fertility treatments with a specialist. I started out taking Clomid 50mg on days 3-7. I did this for 4 months. I had some minimal side effects. Dizziness the first month, mood swings, nausea the first two months, and hot flashes. In January I had a follicle that was 30 mm. Before moving on to a new treatment strategy we decided to give my body a month break to get rid of the huge follicle. By March it was gone and I started a new treatment. I did Clomid 100mg days 3-7, then Repronex shots on days 9 & 11. I then went in for an ultrasound on day 15. I did not respond very well to the meds this time. I only had one follicle that was 14mm. I was slightly disappointed. The Repronex also caused me to have flue like symptomes, fever, aches and pains. I had my trigger shot that day and went in on Sunday for an IUI. It was a very horrible experience, my cervix was clamped shut so they had to use a tool to open it. It was very painful.
After this experience I thought I would never do it again. I was completely soured to it. Then when it came to April & I was not pregnant. I thought I would try it again. I had heard other people who had the procedure say it was not that bad after your first one. My second time I did 150mg Clomid and Repronex shots on days 9 &11. The pain in my joints from the Repronex shots this time was unbearable. I could not even walk for 3 days because of the joint pain in my hips. We talked about then not doing the Repronex the next time around because of the pain. I then did IUI on Sunday again.
Again in May I found out I was not pregnant again. I decided to try one more time before a much needed break. I did 150mg of clomid days 3-7 and Repronex shots on 9 & 11. I opted to do Repronex again because I talked to people who said it was not as bad the 3rd time and also because the next drug up was 500 dollars a vial and I would need 4 vials. I had no side effects this time. I had my IUI on Saturday. I am now 10dpo and I dont know if I'm pg yet or not. I wanted to record this to look back on. I am very hopeful that this time worked, but if not I will be taking two months off & then trying again.
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King, Jr.